Are you currently offering career counselling sessions?
Yes I offer career counselling sessions on Thursdays and Fridays. I have morning and lunchtime appointments available. I love to work one to one with a person as you develop a meaningful response to whatever career problems you are having.
I also offer a comprehensive Career Assessment package that I hope will be a helpful alternative for some.
How do I book a session?
You can use my online booking tool below or you can contact me at
How long is this going to take?
At the close of our first session we will discuss how many sessions you would like to attend. Generally people attend for 3-6 sessions. Sessions can be weekly or every two to three weeks. Whatever you decide upon isn’t a binding number and it can be reviewed as we go along. You book the first session and we can start from there.
How much is this going to cost me?
Sessions last for 1 hour and cost €80. If cost is a factor to you, we can make them more affordable by spacing them out or by agreeing homework that you could do in between. I also offer a sliding scale for those who need it. Please let me know if you are concerned about cost.
How do Career Assessments work?
When you book a Career Assessment package you are booking a Psychometric Assessment of Ability and Personality (Psytech GeneSys Career Motivation Analysis Profile+). I will register your details with GeneSys Online who will email you a link and instructions for the questionnaires. I would advise giving yourself 60 minutes of undisturbed time to complete the assessments
A Career Assessment feedback session will take 2 hours. We will spend this time going through the contents of your feedback report. Your booking also includes an additional one hour follow-up session. This follow-up hour will focus on action planning. We will take a closer look at how you can integrate the results and formulate a plan to move things forward and apply your new insights to your career. The full report will be emailed to you after the feedback session.
A Career Assessment package costs €299. If cost is a factor to you, I also offer a sliding scale for those who need it. Please let me know if you are concerned about cost. Click here to find out more about Career Asssessments.
I am interested but I see you live in Dublin and I live in Limerick. How would this work?
I work on Zoom so long distance sessions are no problem.
Do you work at the weekends?
I’m afraid the hours on my booking calendar are the only hours I work. I will only be working on Thursday and Friday mornings for 2025. I may be able to provide you with the names of practitioners who work outside hours if you would like to contact me. I recommend checking the private practitioner listings of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors.
Career Guidance; Guidance Counselling; Career Counselling; I’m confused by these terms. What are the differences?
Guidance is the process of helping an individual to understand themselves and their world. It has become the generic term for offering a range of advice, counselling and information. It’s never wrong to use that term when you think about any information or advice giving service.
Career Guidance focuses on work aspirations and choosing the right work role for you: it has a youth focus because it generally concentrates on the transition from education or training to working life.
Guidance Counselling and Career Counselling: these terms mean much the same thing. They refer to a process of exploration, goal setting and action planning.
Guidance or Career Counselling is a strand of counselling that assists you to integrate career and personal concerns to enable you to create a satisfying life within the world of work. It assists you to take responsibility for your life and work choices, to clarify your goals and to learn to make choices which are consistent with your goals
I choose to call myself a Career Counsellor because I work exclusively with adults over 18, while other Guidance Counsellors work with both second level students and adults.
In Ireland, there are qualifications for School Guidance Counselling and Adult Guidance Counselling. I am qualified in Adult Guidance Counselling.
What about Career Coaching? How is that different to Career Counselling?
Career Coaching assists you to identify specific goals and then reach those goals faster and with ease. Career Coaching takes place in a private but not necessarily therapeutic setting.
Career Counselling has a psychological component as well as a career planning component. People tend to have old beliefs that hold them back and in our sessions we will draw links between your feelings, your actions and your beliefs and I will gently support you to make changes.
A helpful rule of thumb is that a Career Coach may suggest a quiet public meeting place such as a coffee shop or hotel lobby. A Career Counsellor would not suggest this because what they offer is a counselling therapy and it needs to take place in a safe and therapeutic setting.
Do you offer psychometric assessments?
Yes I offer the Career Motivation Analysis Profile+ which was designed by Psytech International. This tool will suit you if you are looking for a comprehensive psychometric assessment to support your career development. The Career Assessment package offers a 2 hour feedback session and a 1 hour follow-up Your CMAP+ Report will provide a Career Interests Profile, an analysis of your Personal Work Needs, details on how well suited you are to particular work environments and details on your coping abilities for the intellectual demands of particular jobs. Your Report will also include a list of job recommendations based on your key interests. I would hope that the report would provide you with an accurate and insightful picture of your work preferences and work needs. The final hour of a Career Assessment will focus on integrating the results. We will take a closer look at how the results are meaningful to you and formulate a plan to move things forward and apply your new insights to your career. The full report will be emailed to you after the session.
You can read more about these assessment options here.
I’m looking for interview skills. Can you help?
I am not helping clients to prepare or rehearse for interviews in 2025. However if I am working with you and I am able to share any knowledge or resources that could help with addressing this barrier, I will be happy to do so.
I need to reformat a CV. Can I hire you to write it for me?
I no longer reformat CVs but I can refer you to other practitioners that offer that service.
If you would like to review your CV and your work history as part of a career counselling session, I am happy to support that. I can assist you to review and reframe our CV so that after the session you have clear actionable steps to reformat it.
However I would caution against seeing a CV as a ‘finished package’ that somebody else can write for you. I tend to see a CV as a living document that can take many drafts. It is yours to draft and redraft as you wish.
I’m looking to talk to someone in a specific field. Can you put me in touch?
As part of our action planning, I can help you to identify who you would like to talk to and how you would go about doing that. As counselling is bound by confidentiality, I won’t speak directly about you to a person in another field but I will do everything I can to help you brainstorm about how to fill those knowledge gaps.
Are you a psychologist? Do you write legal reports?
I’m not a psychologist or a psychotherapist and I don’t write reports on legal matters or for court cases.
I’m interested but the word Career is putting me off. I don’t think I have a career yet!
A career is an individual’s work and life roles over their lifespan. If you have fulfilled any work or life roles (however formal or informal) and you are evaluating where you are at right now, then this may be the right service for you. I can provide you with another point of view while you are working things out. It’s OK to be you, and that will be our starting point.
I’m looking for career guidance and I’ve read through your website but how do I know you’re the right fit for me?You tell me where you’re at and you tell me where you want to go. I will be listening.
OK. I’m Ready. Book Now!