Career Ideas for Abstract Thinkers
Career Ideas To Fit Your Aptitude And Ability: 1
Today the focus is on Abstract Reasoning.
But First: Why Measure Ability?
There is general agreement that abilities are a valid predictor of performance. This means that where you have a high ability, you are likely going to be more able to cope with the demands of a specific environment. By better understanding your ability, this can help you to make an informed choice around jobs where you might reach your full potential while also gaining insight about where some struggles may be coming from. However, motivation and context also play an important role. Almost every skill can be learned with the help of someone who can show you how.
What is Abstract Reasoning?
You’ll know you are taking an abstract reasoning test when you are answering questions that are non-verbal but contain a series of shapes, patterns and pictures that ask you to predict what is coming next. Abstract reasoning is the ability to think about objects, principles, and ideas that are not physically present. These questions measure your lateral thinking and fluid reasoning: your ability to solve a problem using unfamiliar information, logic and analytical skills. Questions that measure non verbal reasoning ask you to make sense of information, patterns and graphics that are depicted in visual form.
In many ways, abstract and concrete thinkers take opposite approaches. Concrete reasoning involves physical objects a person can experience through the five senses—smell, taste, touch, hearing, and sight. Concrete thinkers rely on what’s in front of them to make decisions. Abstract reasoning skills are all about the intangible: thoughts, ideas, and symbols to better understand the bigger picture behind events and actions.
Abstract reasoning can be an indicator in neurodivergence. Some neurological conditions can negatively impact on a person’s ability to think abstractly with people more likely to take abstract concepts or metaphors literally: examples include autism, schizophrenia, learning disabilities or traumatic brain injury. W with giftedness however, abstract reasoning is typically present at an earlier age than the average population. Understanding where your capacity lies for abstract reasoning can therefore also help with insight on strengths or challenges you may be having in the workplace.
The psychometric assessment that I use in my practice measures abstract reasoning by showing you shapes and patterns to assess your problem-solving skills and ability to spot logical series. The reason why this assessment is included when measuring ability is because there are roles where fluid reasoning, problem solving and unfamiliar scenarios are a common occurrence.
Careers that Suit an Abstract Thinker
So what kinds of jobs would suit someone with a high score in abstract thinking? Good jobs for abstract thinkers are jobs that require the ability to think clearly, process information, solve problems and make good decisions. Abstract thinkers are able to problem-solve creatively. Not only do they have the ability to do so, they enjoy using the critical thinking skills that are needed for difficult decisions. Abstract thinkers are curious and innovative.
It would be useful to firstly think about what career sectors are interesting to you and where you might be motivated and excited to apply your abstract thinking.
Creative Careers
Abstract thinkers often gravitate to creative job industries,. Abstract thinkers are also creative thinkers who are able to conceptualize ideas and bring these ideas into physical existence. Writers, painters, illustrators, sculptors and other types of artists use abstract thought to create or break down a piece of art. Many introverted abstract thinkers find a career as an artist fulfilling in the sense that they get to work alone and develop their own ideas. Other artistic avenues include graphic design, photography and music.
Investigative Careers
Because abstract thinkers can make connections between ideas, they may be well-suited for investigative jobs. Many investigative careers involve heavy research and a capacity for mental problem solving. Criminal investigators and detectives must use their powers of observation and ability to make sense of evidence. Lawyers analyse the evidence to develop an argument to resolve their clients’ legal cases and to identify and foresee problems.
Abstract thinkers are interested in how and why things function. They love fact gathering, hands-on work, variety and logic. Such careers avenues include biological scientists, industrial engineering technicians, medical scientists, physicists, detectives, mechanics, strategic planners and forensic researchers. Abstract thinkers often enjoy coming up with hypotheses, then developing ways to test them. Their natural ability to think analytically can help them thrive in a career as a chemist, physicist or psychologist.
Technological Careers
Curious by nature, abstract thinkers gravitate to structure, complex systems, rules and logical analysis. These types of thinkers have a strong need to understand what makes something tick. They show a desire to clarify the world around them and use logic and rationality to do so. Jobs for conceptual thinkers such as these fall into categories that include computer programmers, systems analysts, mathematicians, philosophers, sound engineers, electricians and scientists.
The analytical skills of abstract thinkers can help them excel in the field of information technology and technical support. Computer programmers need to interpret complex instructions and computer languages to code programs. Systems analysts must understand the business needs of employers to design computer systems to help them succeed.
Entrepreneurial Careers
Many people who think abstractly value the ability to run their own businesses and work according to their own schedule. This includes writers, small business owners and designers, among others. Abstract thinkers are independent thinkers who can prefer to keep to themselves and observe life from a less mainstream perspective, as their distance from other people facilitates objective critical analysis.
A 2020 research study concluded that university students with a high performance rate in problem solving also showed high performance rates in abstract reasoning. Abstract and creative thinkers can also excel as instructors, in project management, visual scheduling, evaluation, facilitation and in developing creative solutions to business problems.
Abstract Reasoning and Problem-Solving Skills of First Year College Students | ResearchGate
Abstract Thinking: How to Develop Abstract Reasoning Skills | MasterClass
Abstract Reasoning Practice Test Questions & Tips |
GoodTherapy | Abstract Thinking
Jobs for Abstract Thinkers |
Jobs for Abstract Thinkers | Career Trend
11 Careers for Abstract Thinkers (With Salaries and Job Duties) |